2017 Toyota Prius Prime 5 HB Braking System Defects

If you own or lease a 2017 Toyota Prius Prime 5 HB, you should know that several customer complaints have been reported in recent months. The majority of these complaints pertain to braking system issues that often persist even after a trip or two to the dealer. Although the manufacturer has issued four safety recalls on this vehicle so far, Toyota has yet to address these particular braking issues.

According to one owner of the 2017 Toyota Prius Prime, a number of system failures occurred simultaneously, including low braking power and ABS control system malfunction. However, the Toyota repair shop failed to identify the problem. Another driver detailed a frightening experience of having their vehicle lose all braking power while traveling on the freeway. Other similarly concerning reports continue to crop up from Toyota customers as they await clear answers and permanent fixes.

Schedule a free case evaluation with a dedicated Berkeley attorney by calling Lemon Law Partners, LLP today at (510) 944-0336.

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