2018-2020 Subaru Outback SUV Power & Battery Issues

Car batteries typically last between three and four years before they need to be replaced. Unfortunately, many consumers who own or lease a 2018, 2019, or 2020 Subaru Outback SUV have found that they’ve had to replace their batteries much more frequently. Numerous reports of batteries that prematurely die or are otherwise run down because of unidentified drains by the electrical system continue to flood in, even though the manufacturer has not taken steps to publicly address or resolve these problems.

According to one consumer, the battery in their 2020 Subaru Outback SUV only lasted for ten months before needing to be replaced. It appeared that there was an issue with the electrical system, which pulled excessive power off of the battery even when the car was turned off. Many other Subaru customers have reported similar experiences. For most, even newly replaced batteries are worn through too quickly, and the dealerships have not determined specific reasons or sources of these persistent issues.

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